Who Are the Happiest People on the Planet?

 Who Are the Happiest People on the Planet?

Happy Kids in Bhutan

When I ask myself, "Who are the happiest people on the planet?" My answer is, "Those who can't wait to wake up in the morning to get back to what they were doing the day before." - 1980 Physics Laureate James Cronin

Not going into any analysis paralysis, but a simple thought:-

Why does it seem complicated to keep happy these days?

Do you also feel that a famous "comfort zone" isn't enough anymore? Have we reached the point where It's actually become an "uncomfortable comfort"? Deep down, we have the feeling that there must be some way to feel better in life. It is good to dare to question things. 

Do you realize that we often compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else's highlight reels? Isn't it a prime reason why we struggle with insecurities?

Without comparing yourself to others(!), are you happy with your current zone? Or are you daydreaming about doing something else?

Why have we gotten this serious while growing up? Let the child in us breathe. Keep the childlike faith, childlike hope. Let the inner child play, and never lose its creativity. Ever observed! Children never struggle to be happy. Neither should we have.

It is our life. Let it be our creation. Let us take control of our life and live it on our own rules. Neither depend on anyone nor let anyone take your life's steering. Always remember if situations become unbearable, there is always a way out. Hold on and Breathe. We will always have a choice to make the change. Compromise is never an answer. This is one of the reasons for how to be happy.

Let us not spend our whole life trying to make everyone happy because this can't and is not the recipe for a happy life. 

Let us be our self, not try to be somebody else. Let us find a personal style that feels great to us and be proud of it. There is no one like us, and that is our power for living a happy life.

If what you are doing lacks a feel-good factor, remember that you can begin new any day. 

Don't be a people-pleaser. We have not taken birth to keep impressing a society. Let's not reduce the power of experiencing life to its fullest. 

Don't strive for perfection, as there is nothing called 'perfection that exists. God created us, and we are not flawless. God, too had perfection issues. So chill. Just give your best, that's it. 

Forgive yourself. Feeling bad about things you've done in the past can create a pretty painful present. Our past does not predict our future.

Listen to the words that you speak. Anything unpleasant creates its atmosphere inside first. 

If you've made it to the bottom of this page, you should have a good idea of how to be happier. I'd love to hear what you think about it in the comments below!


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